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The subtle relationship between pets and perfume

Publish Time: 2023-03-08     Origin: Site

In modern times, the use of perfume has become very common

And while we enjoy the fragrance

We also need to take care of the feelings of our pets at home

It is worth noting that every pet is unique and some pets may react differently to these scents. In addition, some scents that pets don't like may also be toxic to them, so be sure to do your research and consult your veterinarian before using any scent around your pet. Here are some potential effects of perfumes on pets


Allergic reactions

Some pets may be allergic to certain fragrances and may experience allergic reactions such as skin irritation, itching and sneezing.

Respiratory problems

Strong fragrances can irritate your pet's respiratory system, causing coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing.

Behavioral changes

The strong scent of perfumes and other fragrances can be overwhelming to pets and may cause them to become agitated or anxious. This may lead to behavioral changes such as hiding or avoiding contact with people.


Some perfumes and fragrances contain chemicals that, if ingested, can be toxic to pets. In addition, pets may accidentally ingest perfumes by licking them from their fur, which can lead to health problems.


Even if a perfume or fragrance does not cause any health problems for your pet, it may simply make your pet feel uncomfortable or unpleasant. This can lead to stress and other negative effects on their overall health.

In general, it is best to avoid using strong perfumes and fragrances around pets and to choose unscented products whenever possible. If you do use scented products, be sure to keep them out of your pet's reach and monitor your pet's behavior and health for any signs of discomfort or illness. If you are concerned about your pet's reaction to a particular scent or product, please consult your veterinarian.


Pets have a keen sense of smell and are sensitive to certain scents. Here are some scents that your pet's pet may not like

Citrus - Many pets do not like the smell of citrus fruits, such as lemons and oranges. Strong odors may be too strong for pets and may cause them to avoid places where such odors are present.

Vinegar - The harsh smell of vinegar can be unpleasant for pets and may even cause them to gag or cough.

Peppermint - While some pets may be indifferent to the smell of peppermint, others find it unpleasant. The strong mint scent may be too much for pets to handle and may cause them to avoid places with this scent.

Camphor - Camphor is a strong-smelling substance that can be found in some cleaning products and mothballs. This odor is unpleasant to pets and may even be toxic if ingested.

Essential oils - Many essential oils are toxic to pets, so care must be taken when using these oils around pets. Some essential oils, such as lavender and eucalyptus, may also be unpleasant or unbearable for pets.

Lavender - While some pets may be indifferent to the smell of lavender, others find it unpleasant. The strong scent of the flowers can be overwhelming to pets and may cause them to avoid places with this scent.

Pepper - Like citrus, pepper is an odor that can be off-putting to pets. The strong smell of pepper can be overwhelming to pets and may even cause them to become agitated.

Eucalyptus - The strong medicinal scent of eucalyptus can be off-putting to pets and may cause them to avoid places with this scent.

Cinnamon - While some pets may be indifferent to the smell of cinnamon, others find it unpleasant. The strong, spicy scent may be too much for pet cats to handle and may cause them to avoid places with this scent.


Based on pets' natural discomfort with citrus

We have tailored our PETZZLE pet repellent series

Reason for pets' aversion to citrus

The formation of a pet exclusion zone, so as to protect the furniture and prevent pets from scratching and urinating

PETZZLE pet repellent series, adding natural extract of citrus essential oil

Natural citrus to form a barrier, non-toxic and non-hazardous, natural plant extracts.

Product Inquiry


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