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How to place pets during the Spring Festival

Publish Time: 2023-01-13     Origin: Site

Chinese New Year is not only in China. Chinese New Year is a traditional holiday in China, but it is also celebrated in other countries, such as North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.

But Chinese Spring Festival is a very lively event where the whole family reunites and visits friends and relatives and prepares Chinese New Year goods. Chinese New Year is also known as New Year, New Year, New Year, etc.

What about the pets that stay at home when you have to go home for Chinese New Year?

If Chinese New Year means a public vacation of about seven days, then there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

1, put enough pet food and water, it is best to prepare a few more food and water bowls, put more in several different places (preferably in the foot of the wall), in case it accidentally knocked over the water bowl will not have to drink.

2, prepare a few more pet toilet (you can use a large shallow paper box as a backup toilet), are put in a good amount of pet litter.

3, closed doors and windows to prevent it from slipping away.

Pets have a poor sense of time, seven days is not that long for it, a few sleeps will pass.

If it's more than half a month, it's best to send it to a friend's house for boarding, and if you want to send it to a kennel, make sure you do your homework in advance. Many timid pet cats are very afraid of the kennel kind of group living environment.

What should I pay attention to when spending the Spring Festival with my pet?

1, give pets to eat chocolate

In the Spring Festival, many families will buy some money chocolate to eat, the owner must pay attention to this, do not put in the pet can eat places.

Because pets can not eat chocolate, the higher the purity of the chocolate the greater the damage to the pet!

2, ignore the pet

In the Spring Festival, the owner can not be too happy, and forget about the pet, if the pet feels that they are neglected, then the mood will be low, depression.

Slowly the pet may not be close to the owner, do not like to approach you!

3, give the pet to eat fish bones

At the time of the Spring Festival families will be big fish and meat, but owners should pay attention, do not give pets to eat too much fish bones and chicken bones, because these bones chewed especially fine, sharp.

Pets eat too much is easy to stab the intestines, serious will also cause internal bleeding!

4, give pets contact with flowers

In the Spring Festival, owners must pay attention to the flowers that decorate their homes are likely to be harmful to pets, especially daffodils, chrysanthemums, aloe vera, etc. A little bit of accidental ingestion is enough to make pets appear diarrhea and other situations.

If the situation is serious, the pet may appear shock poisoning!

5、Take your dog to watch fireworks

Pets are very sensitive to sound, if the sound is too big will scare the pet, so do not take your pet to see fireworks and so on in the Spring Festival, or the pet will be scared to overwhelm.

In the past, the Spring Festival on my side are burning firecrackers, so then the pets will be scared to hide under the bed!

6, pay attention to the work of keeping warm

The Chinese New Year is also a cold time, the owner of the pet in the raising of pets, but also pay more attention to the pet's warm work, do not let the pet catch a cold, you can properly give the pet to wear a piece of clothing.

Also do not forget to take your pet out for a walk, if it's cold outside can be at home with dog snacks together, play games with your pet, which is more interactive and can also consume pet energy!

7, do not feed a lot of food

In the Spring Festival, the owner should not give the pet too mixed, there is too much food, so that the pet is easy to have problems, not only the gut will become, but also obesity.

Spring Festival as long as the pet is prepared for a comprehensive nutritional dog food, so that you can meet the needs of pets!

Whether you stay at home or travel with the car, you need to keep a clean environment and hygiene, we recommend PETZZLE pet pee pads (including thickened models as well as bamboo carbon models). Keep it fresh and happy for the New Year.

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